Beauty and the beast

For the past few weeks I have been completely addicted to watching Beauty and the Beast. To me, it really does make you feel lucky and think about things. Since I was about 15 I've always said I'd like a boob job.. not to have page 3 boobs but for my benefit, to boost my confidence. Every day you look in the mirror there is always something, whether it your nose, freckles or weight. In the 21st century people are willing to go to extreme lengths in order to look beautiful, but is there really any need?
Beauty and the Beast: the ugly face of prejudice shows you that you don't need all that to feel good. Each week a beauty obsessed person would meet another who has some form of facial disfigurement, some severe others less so. The aim of the programme really is to show the beauty obsessed that it is not a necessity to have it all done, from liposuction to botox. One of the girls on the show (beauty obsessed) spent a total of 40minutes getting ready.. just to go to the gym?! I mean come on. This programme really is an eye opener to everyone. The growing impact of the media, from magazines to television, have impacted upon what we see as beautiful. There are many blogs around that are based around the ridiculousness of 'thinspiration' and 'tanorexia' - to me that is not good, and to be quite honest it makes me quite sad.
Yes, I go to the gym to loose wait and yes, I would really like a boob job. Whether I would go through with it or not is actually another matter. In some cases in this programme a good tactic to use was shock. In the first episode of this second series Reggie, who suffers from neurofibromatosis, took Gary, who has spent the amount of £31,000 in the past 5years to look good, to America. Reggie found out that Gary really wanted a nose job done, so whilst in America he got to go see an actual operation of someone getting a nose job and met another lady who had complications with hers. It shows you the dangers of what you want done and shocks you into realising that you don't need all this cosmetic surgery in order to look good.
My mam is always telling me I look so much better without make-up, how my natural hair was lovely and that I have completely ruined it. For me, and the beauty obsessed on this programme it is all a matter of self-confidence, past issues and what the media has done to us. I wear make-up because I hate my freckles, I wear fake tan on the odd occasion because I'm not tanned, I dye my hair because I hate my natural colour, I go to the gym because I'm not skinny. But do I really need all that to be happy? No. I do it to boost my confidence and so do the beauty obsessed on the programme, does it make you necessarily happy? No. It can go wrong or you might just not even like it once you have it done. To me being happy is about living life, your family and friends.At the beginning of man none of these were an issue. To me the media and celebrity culture have played a massive part in changing our perception on beauty and what we need to look like to be accepted into society.
Every person on 'Beauty & the Beast', with a facial disfigurement, were ten times happier with their lives than the beauty obsessed. Doesn't that really say it all?

Sorry if this has been a really passionate/rambly/ranty post but this to me is a key issue in today's society and this programme certainly shows you that. Please go watch as it really does make think about what is important.
